Monday, August 12, 2013

Well that sucked...

So as you can probably see, I haven't posted on here in, ohhh...6 months or so... Wow.

So a lot has happened in 6 months, some good, a lot bad (or at least bad right now, I always believe stuff happens for a reason). I wasn't creating things for the first couple months, but roughly in the last month, my juices have been flowing.

The main reason I haven't put anything up in 6 months is because I moved. We were only out for 2 weeks, and my roommates stepmother (aka raging bitch) slapped us with an eviction because she didnt like how we payed the rent. Literally, that was the reason. We bounced back and forth whether or not we were actually gonna move out, and then we thought we were staying. The day after what would've been the last day of the 30 day notice, we get a call at 8 in the morning that we have to be OUT that day.

So all of my shit went in a rental truck, where it sat for over a week. The rental company told us we had to bring the truck back by the end of business day or we were gonna get it reported stolen on us, so back the truck went and our shit all put into a truck owned by my dads work. That was a big generous break at that point, but it turned out to be another nightmare cuz our shit ended up sitting in that truck for 2 months.

Meanwhile tension at home were crazy high, my dad was constantly afraid his boss was going to find out what was in the truck, we were stressed cuz house situations got switched and lost and false promised the whole time. We "had"at least 3 places; all fell through. We (my boyfriend and I) were living on my moms couch while our roommate was camped at her grandma's place in Leisure World. And on top of all of THAT, she finds out she got cancer.

She had a full hysterectomy at 24, at least thats what she was told. Come to find out, there's a partial ovary in there because the first surgery to take it out didn't get it all, and after taking hormone replacements, it regrew. She's miserable, I'm sad for her, frustrated I'm still in the living room of my parents house, bummed i still don't have a job and annoyed that her doctors suck. Seriously, these guys are a piece of work. Once she was scheduled for the surgery, her insurance denied her. Then slated again, her doctor's mother dies in China, and he has to leave for 2 weeks. Meanwhile, shes constantly going to the ER and dealing with her insane grandmother, her cunt of a step mother (i only use that word when i truely, truely mean it, and OH do i mean it).

On top of all the waiting and waiting, shes gone to the ER at least 25 times, and now their getting stupid about giving her pain meds, cuz shes looking like a junkie. She's got a saying now, "i'm done". I don't blame her, I hate seeing what this is doing to her. I'm sick of it and i don't even have cancer! She's one of my best friends, and i just want her healthy and shit back to the way it was.

Creatively, I havent done a lot. I really should, I have all the time in the world, basically. I've taken pictures here and there, i've done a couple paintings, but i really haven't stayed diligent about it, and it makes me mad how lazy I am.

I'm looking (slowly) into getting a job, i'm sick of not having my own money and draining my poor boyfriend. He swears its fine, but I can see the stress taking its tole on him, lately its just been worse. He wants a new job so terribly, but can't leave until he has something, and never has the time off to go apply and interview anywhere. Plus, hes extremely picky, so that's not helping his situation.

I'm trying to not be as picky either, I've applied to places, but nothing too seriously. I want something part time and easy, something I won't stress over, cuz that's the last thing i need right now. I've gained too much weight and more hair has turned gray from all the stress in the last 6 months.

The bright side? Things happen for a reason, I swear by that. I look back at things now and think, I just need the patience cuz its all gonna figure itself out. It has before when I thought there was no end in sight, I just gotta keep reminding myself of that. We went camping 2 weeks ago, and it was way needed. I havent been legit camping in YEARS. Just to be in the wilderness was so exhilarating. It rained for a good hour when we first got there and it was just so refreshing! 4th of July was awesome, always is a much needed day of family and fun.

Besides the small "dates" my dude and I can A) afford and B) make time for, (leaving the dog at home has become a slight toll on my parents, he has anxiety and can't be left alone) things haven't really picked up. I really hope my roomie can get her surgery ASAP, and things can start to swing back towards normal. I don't want to be in the living room through Christmas, and with all this stress and uncertainty, its kind of looking like this is where its heading...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 97

It's 1:42am and im sitting in here by myself again (henry's last night of overnights) and i finished the line drawing of this:
I think im gonna take my time filling it in tomorrow, and possibly fix the beak, im not diggin it now, but that's todays :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 96: back on track

So henry's been working overnights, and i've had to sleep alone. i don't like it. so i made this for tonight because i was missing him:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

the break: day 91-95

So i finally fell off the wagon. it got close a couple times, but i officially didn't create anything from last friday to today. heres why:

friday, we went to sam's house to finalize "moving in" stuff. met up with her dad and step mom, talked, hung out, came home...then i get a call that sam's dude pushed her down and she was scared he was coming back, so we raced over there and spent the night. saw a movie, hung out, got no sleep, started to get a migraine...then comes saturday

saturday: i took a dissolving tab for a migraine that sam gave me, DIDN'T work. i was dizzy and sick ALL day. couldn't sit up without then throwing up, thought we were gonna have to make an ER run, but i ended up getting over it (12 hours after the initial dose) didn't get home till 2 in the morning.

then sunday: as i was still kinda sick, i didnt feel like doing anything, but we had to inform my parents of the official move. after that goes smoothly, my mom informs me the cat has been peeing blood for 2 days (while i was gone :( )

monday: spent the whole day sad and crying, knowing this would be the last day i had with my cat. gave him a good brushing (of course all the fleas are gone now), fed him fancy things, let him sleep all over me.

this morning, i woke up and carried him to the vet, didn't let him go until they were injecting the shit. i held him as he left me...

im so sad that i lost my little guy. i watched him be born, i helped him when he broke himself as a kitten and was in different casts for weeks on end. i spoiled him, i dressed him up, i played with him, i loved him...he was the best cat.

i can't believe i had him for almost 18 years. i was 7 when i got his mom, she gave birth to them within 6 months of getting her, and he outlived them all: mom, brother, our dog. he was the sweetest, snuggliest, best cat ever, and im so sad hes gone. this small house suddenly seems big and empty without him around...

ill try and pick things up again tomorrow...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 90

So i decided i need to practice my simple lines a little more, so i decided to try my hand at a maneki neko or lucky cat :) and here's what i came up with for today:
i think i've gotten better if i do say so myself. i started on the head and then the body, then the details, and the more i did, the better it got, ergo- the head is kinda wobble and the details look much better...

i think im either gonna fuck with this one a little more tomorrow, add things to it, OR im gonna do another cat entirely, just so i can work on the pen tool some more. im impressing myself!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

day 89

made a hello kitty with the pen tool, mainly to practice curves n shit...i need to get better at simple designs, for whatever reason, smaller, more complicated lines are way easier....

Monday, February 11, 2013


we were supposed to hang out at my friends house, but she got sick. since we were in the neighborhood we stopped by Signal Hill and happened to come across the most epic bubble maker in the world. apparently the shit is a concentrate that has to sit for a couple days before you can use it, and obviously is works cuz the bubbles were HUGE! i think it was a tad too windy for them, but they blew down the hill perfectly and ended up generating a whole crowd of people!
so i took a few photos: